Sunday, December 30, 2007
Bye-Bye to 2007
Woo Pig Sooie! Becca's first Hog game....

Baby's First Christmas
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Ho, Ho, Ho!! Becca Meets Santa
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Bramell Update
We spent a nice but cold, rainy and foggy weekend in Branson last weekend. We took all the grandmas and Aunt Tracy and Jonathan with us to celebrate all the December birthdays in the family. Becca got lots of lovin' and attention, of course. Luckily, no fist fights broke out and all the grandmas behaved. The weather was just too yucky to do much of anything (like shopping), but we did take a tour of the Stone Hill Winery and saw the Titanic Museum.
Becca goes for her 6 month check up and shots in the morning. Last time she had a little fever after her shots, but I hope that won't happen again. Weatherman is saying 90% chance of snow here on Saturday. Why is it always when we are already OFF work??? And why, when we need to get our Christmas shopping done! And we want to take her to see Santa. Oh well...
Ok, enough of that. I bet nobody even reads this. We know it's all about the pictures. Here you go! The last pics are some we took tonight by the tree....good luck getting the dog and baby to both cooperate, huh.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
OK now, everyone cool it!!
In other news, the Bramell family made our first trip to church together this morning (including Lee). We are getting ready for Becca's baby dedication service at the end of the month, so we are practicing going to church. Becca did very well and enjoyed babbling out loud so people would look at her. She sat in Grandma Francena's lap most of the time. I think she liked the music and the band (we went to the contemporary service). After church, we got the Christmas tree put up. Fergie and Becca are not sure what to think about it yet.

It's ducky bath time! We tried it out a few weeks ago, and Becca hated it.
Now that she can sit up, she really likes it. The beak quacks, too!

We tell her not to play with her food, but she still wants to play with her feet!


Daddy caught her playing by herself yesterday. Becca is such a good girl!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Home Sweet Home
I just got back from our staff conference in Nashville. I was gone for three days!! It was so hard to be gone from Becca that long, but Lee did a great job with her. They had a great time together. I am sooooo glad to be back, though. I am staying home today to love on Becca all day.
I know it's been a while since an update. I'll do more later. Becca is sitting up by herself now really well. She is also eating lots of veggies and oatmeal. Her friend Eleanor Eichmann loaned us a jumparoo jumper, because she is walking now and has outgrown it. Becca just loves bouncing in it! It's so funny to watch her.
We've had some visitors over the past month. Tracy came one weekend in October, then Grammy and Nanny. Then for Thanksgiving, Becca got to meet her Uncle Ben and see the Pugsleys from Yellville. Becca enjoyed some mashed potatoes for her Thanksgiving treat.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
New study finds that eating veggies boosts hair growth...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Engelbert Pooperdink
NEWS FLASH: This child apparently loves squash! She had carrots for 3 nights and did ok with them, but last night she had squash for the first time and cleaned her dish! She even cried when I took the spoon away from her. I think she is going to be a good eater. We are only doing veggies at night now for a few weeks, then we will go to two meals a day.
We also had another big thing happen yesterday. We broke up with daycare! Yes, we are taking Becca out of daycare. Nothing they did wrong, we really like it there, but Becca is going to start staying home with Dad. This will be so much better for her and hopefully keep her well over the winter. Dad will be able to play with her and take her to do fun things instead of being cooped up in that daycare all day with sick babies. Her last day is the 16th.
That is all for now, gotta get to work. Sorry no pics this time.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Trick or Treat!!
Well, here's our little penguin. It looks like she is dressed like Fergie! We couldn't get them both to cooperate for a picture. On Tuesday, all the kids went to Lee's office for a costume show and treats. Becca was really good and didn't mind the costume at all. However, Halloween night was another story. As you can see, she didn't want any part of the penguin suit--quite a fussy penguin. She kept it on about 10 minutes, then went to sleep at 6:30!! She event slept through the doorbell and kids knocking all evening.
The oatmeal feeding is going much better. We're still not sure how much is actually getting IN her instead of ON her, but she's getting the hang of it. We might try some veggies this weekend. I'm also happy to report that the cold is just about gone--3 weeks is enough already!!
Thank goodness it's Friday! Have a good weekend....
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
5 Months old
Monday marked the 5th month for Becca outside Mommy's womb. She decided to stay up late to party, finally going to sleep around 10:00. She has been falling asleep around 7:30 and sleeping pretty much till 6:30 in the morning, except for the occasional poopy diaper or "i want my binky!!" cry. It has been a blessing for sure.
As you can see, orange is the theme!! We have not picked out a halloween costume yet, but she will get one before the weekend is over.
The family is going to get out of town this weekend and go to Branson, MO. Home of the worst traffic this side of the Mississippi. Actually it shouldn't be too bad this time of year. Fergie will be staying home with one of our friends Anne who will take care of the little monster while we are away. We didn't want Grandma's cats eating her while we left town!!
Enjoy the pics and watch for costume pictures soon!!!