Bramell, Party of Five: Engelbert Pooperdink

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Engelbert Pooperdink

Yes, Becca has a new nickname. She will always be our Petey, but now she is occasionally Engelbert Pooperdink. You can probably guess when this name applies. It's funny, and she likes it.

NEWS FLASH: This child apparently loves squash! She had carrots for 3 nights and did ok with them, but last night she had squash for the first time and cleaned her dish! She even cried when I took the spoon away from her. I think she is going to be a good eater. We are only doing veggies at night now for a few weeks, then we will go to two meals a day.

We also had another big thing happen yesterday. We broke up with daycare! Yes, we are taking Becca out of daycare. Nothing they did wrong, we really like it there, but Becca is going to start staying home with Dad. This will be so much better for her and hopefully keep her well over the winter. Dad will be able to play with her and take her to do fun things instead of being cooped up in that daycare all day with sick babies. Her last day is the 16th.

That is all for now, gotta get to work. Sorry no pics this time.


  1. Love the nickname!!! That's so great that she won't have to be at daycare through the winter. I bet she'll love being home with her daddy too!

  2. Hey there!

    Hopefully Becca will outgrow these would YOU like to be called Engelbert Pooperdink? It is cute for now, but she will put her foot down one day! I hope staying at home with Daddy will keep her well this winter. We don't want another cold to deal with. I am working on a day to come see you all. I'll be talking to you soon.
    Love to all....


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