Big Sister's school hosted its annual Daddy-Daughter Dance at the end of February. Although she's had the chance to go for the previous two years, she had not been the least bit interested until this year. Much to our surprise, Big Sis came home one day and said she wanted to go to the dance!
The theme this year was Hollywood Red Carpet, so she and I set out to find the perfect dress for the night. After a brief glimpse of what her teenage years will be like --GOD HELP US-- we finally settled (and agreed on) the most beautiful dress for my little Hollywood lady.
I rushed home from work on that Friday night to get her prettied up for the big date with daddy. (He cleans up nicely, too.) They left home in the middle of a beautiful snowfall, both smiling and giggling. After dancing the night away with her second grade buddies, daddy even took her out for a post-dance taco dinner.
I'm so proud of my sweet baby girl and how much she's changed in the last few years. She's happy, friendly and has such a kind heart for others. And she's quite a pretty girl, too!
While I'm bragging, I'll just add something that her teacher told us at school conferences last month. They have been taking reading and math tests periodically to check their progress and make sure they are on track with the proper grade levels.
On the last test period, Big Sis increased her reading score by 27 points (from the end of first grade). The teacher said this is the largest point gain that she'd ever seen on a test!! She's now reading on level with the middle of third grade. As you can imagine, this makes me so happy. We love reading together. But now we need to spend as much energy on improving math, where she is riding the line at barely average. I guess the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.