Bramell, Party of Five: Ho, Ho, Ho!! Becca Meets Santa

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ho, Ho, Ho!! Becca Meets Santa

We finally got around to taking Becca to see Santa at the mall this afternoon. Better late than never, I guess. She did exactly what we expected her to do; she is so predictable. She stared at him and pulled his beard!! And, as we expected, she would not smile for her picture. She is such a serious baby lately. I don't know what's going on with that. Strangers will come talk to her and she just stares blankly at them. I like to tell people that she's just thinking. But at least at home she's all smiles and giggles. Strange.


  1. The pics are great! She's such a doll..... Can't wait to see you all this weekend.

    Love to all....

  2. These are precious! At least she didn't cry and scream and throw a fit. Can't wait for Sunday! See ya'll then.

    Love you, Nanette


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