Bramell, Party of Five: October 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Turkey Trot 2010

On October 9, we got up really early and took the show on the road to Yellville for Turkey Trot. That's their town festival every fall. We've been a couple of times before, but this year was a lot more work with the Party of Five and one in the middle of potty training.

The theme of the festival was "pirate", as you can see from the photos. By sheer miracle, we were up and on the road by 7:30 to make it to the parade by 10:00. Becca was so excited that we didn't think she'd sleep the night before. Parade and candy were her main focus of the day.

Not sure about dinosaurs and pirates, but oh well. A dino in a parade was something to see.
Can't have a town festival without a bouncy house, right? Becca's favorite. And, with the potty training in progress, all I could think was "I hope she doesn't pee in that thing!!" She didn't.

Becca and Lee collecting their booty at the parade.

Evan and Carley hung out in the stroller most of the day, perfectly happy. They didn't much care for the sirens on the firetrucks, though. These two sure got a lot of attention. Lee was able to see a lot of his friends and people he grew up with. We went to his brother Rob's house to watch the Razorback game and spend some time with the family there. Wondering now why I didn't get any pictures of them with the kids? Probably just too tired at that point of the day....

First cereal for babies

At our 4-month check up, the doctor said we could go ahead and introduce cereal when we were ready. So, a couple of weeks ago we did it. Carley was definitely ready, and got the hang of eating from a spoon pretty quickly. Brother, not so much. But with practice, he's gotten much better. I think it's helping both of them to sleep better at night, having a full belly. We are just feeding them cereal at our dinnertime. This week we tried green beans and they both loved it! Pictures to come...

Of course, big sis wanted in on the action. But she didn't want to eat any rice cereal.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Evan and Carley's 4-month Check up

Babies went for their 4-month check up and shots yesterday. Dr. Davis says they are perfect and looking great! Here are their stats--

Evan: 11 lbs, 4.5 oz and 23" long

Carley: 12 lbs, 9 oz and 23" long

As you can see, Sister doesn't miss a meal!

Things to Note:
  • Evan is sleeping all night. Carley wakes at 4:00 am to eat. Yes, every morning.
  • Doc says we can start them on some cereal if we want to. Going to try and see if this gets Carley to sleep till 6:00, at least. Might also help Evan's reflux.
  • Both wearing size 3-6 month clothes
  • Our Similac RS formula is extremely hard to find, for some reason. We buy out the store every time we find it somewhere. However, due to the Similac recall last week, we started buying the Target store brand formula. WOO HOO ! Why didn't we do this sooner? It's so much cheaper!
  • Babies both enjoy bathtime.

That's all for now. I'm sure I'll think of more later.

Go Hogs Go and Famous Babies

Here is a fun picture we took a few weeks ago with Becca and her little sister. Fun times in the laundry basket.....we sure know how to have a good time around here!

I just had to try the bow on Carley. Still a little overwhelming on her, so we'll try again in a few weeks.

This was the day before the big Hogs vs. Bama game. We were so fired up that we wore our Razorback gear on Friday AND Saturday! You will notice our big girl wearing her panties~ woo hoo! She is doing great so far.

Tracy came to visit for the weekend. We all woke up so excited about the game on Saturday that we decided to load up the circus and take it on the road! We went down to the stadium to hang out with the tailgaters. The babies and Becca did great and loved people watching. We took the double stroller, so Evan could ride with the cooler! HAHA. Well, he did for a while. Then Becca got tired of walking and took the shotgun seat. Carley rode in the carrier strapped to my chest the whole time (and Tracy's some). The weather was beautiful and we ran into a few friends to chat with. And yes, my baby is a tiny bit sunburned....I know, I know (*hanging head*). This isn't my first child, I know to put a hat on them....but I just didn't think about it.

WOO PIG SOOOOOIE! I know my babies are cute!

So, wanna know why our babies are famous? They are going to be in the October issue of Peekaboo magazine, a local family magazine here. Every October the magazine features twins and triplets! How fun! I'm sure it's very difficult to get chosen to be in the magazine, but it might help just a teeny bit that 1) our babies are ADORABLE and 2) I know the magazine editor :D
Anyway, it should be out today but I haven't seen it yet. We got to do another photo shoot with the awesome photographer who took their newborn pics. Sad to say, Evan wasn't exactly cooperative. We didn't get but one decent shot, so I don't know if they are printing that one or one of their beautiful newborn photos. Either way, we'll be happy. I even got to write a little about our experience of finding out we were having twins. I just took what I wrote on that blog post back in February and turned in into a little story. I'll try to post the whole thing on here when I get it.
I've been back at work now for a month, and I am one tired mommy at the end of the day. I'm thankful that I have truly takes teamwork to run this show. His mom would sure be proud of him for being such a great dad and husband.

edit: Hmmm, after looking at these last few all probably think we never brush Becca's hair. Looks that way. Seriously, she leaves the house looking so cute, but the child takes out her bows, barrettes and ponytails at school every day!
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