Bramell, Party of Five: Twin Tuesday

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Twin Tuesday

This week Twin Tuesday is dedicated to wishing the twins a very happy third birthday!  Sometimes it seems like yesterday that they were newborns, and sometimes it feels more like 10 years ago.  

We enjoyed a birthday dinner at Marketplace Grill, where I'm pretty sure we got the best of them.  It's kids eat free month, plus each kid got a free dessert.  Score!

This rarely happens. So glad I had the camera handy!


  1. Sounds like the perfect birthday dinner! Very fun! Happy birthday to them both.

  2. I love seeing them hugging like that instead of fighting...
    I think you really did come out on top of the Marketplace Grill this time. See? There ARE advantages to having twins!
    I can't believe they are three already. They were so grown up when they visited me last week. Give them (and Becca, too) hugs and kisses from me.

    Love to all...


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