Bramell, Party of Five: 9 Month Check-up

Thursday, March 13, 2008

9 Month Check-up

Yes, NINE MONTHS OLD.....actually 10 months next weekend! It's going so fast...

Yesterday was our trip to the doctor for Becca's 9 month check-up. She weighs 19 lbs. even and she's 28.5 inches tall. The doctor told us she is developmentally right on and even excels in some areas (no surprise!). Becca really hammed it up laughing and chatting with the doc.

Lee has been quite busy working the past few weeks, so we are hoping that spring is going to bring him lots of business and people are ready to start buying houses again. We have also made a new decision about Becca's care. We are going to enroll her in the mothers' day out program at my church so she can start getting used to playing with other kids. She'll go on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-1. This will also give Lee and Grandma a little break from babysitting. Going to the MMO program was part of our plan all along, we just didn't set a date to start. Now we think it's time.

I'm attaching some pics that Grammy sent from her last visit to the Bramell house. These are so cute! She's even smiling a little in the first one....It amazes us to watch Becca and Fergie play together. They love each other so much; it's so sweet! I had no idea that Fergie was going to be so patient with Becca constantly pulling on her and poking her eyes, but she just sits there and lets her do it.

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