Bramell, Party of Five: Hurricane Alley

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hurricane Alley

As I write this, Hurricane Gustav is gearing up to wreak havoc on the gulf coast. So what do we into it instead of going somewhere else.
We are set to leave early Sunday morning and get to Meridian, MS, before driving the last 250 miles to Destin on Monday. Luckily we were able to book a room not to far off course from the way we would normally drive to the coast. For some reason we didn't think about booking a room 3 days ago when we knew Gustav was thinking about crashing any Labor Day parties on the G.O.M.
I think as long as Gustav doesn't turn into the huge monster of a storm that Katrina did, or turn more towards the panhandle, we should be able to ride out the weather and hopefully enjoy a day or two of sunshine on the beach.
Let's hope it doesn't turn into a really long trip just to go shopping.
Adios Amigos!!

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