Bramell, Party of Five: FOURTEEN MONTHS OLD! WOW!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


This is Becca's new bear, Kacee. We had our first Build-a-Bear experience over the weekend. It was a birthday gift from our friends Janet and Bob. Becca enjoyed watching the bear being made. Can you tell who picked out the shirt???

Can you believe our baby is 14 months old now? I was thinking about it last night when I was getting her ready for bed. I begged her to let me hold her and rock her to sleep like I used to do every night when she was a baby. She was not having any of that. No sir, now she's a big girl and will get down from our lap and walk herself into her room and wait by the crib to be put down. Amazing, I know! But can't a mommy rock and cuddle with her baby anymore? I know that we are lucky Becca is so good about her bedtime routine. We have a bath and read a couple of books, then off to "night-night."

Mother's Morning Out is taking a summer break for the next month, so it's back to full-time Daddy Daycare for a while. Grandma Francena is helping out more than usual, too.

That's really all we have going on now.


  1. Yes, you are very lucky that Becca is so good about bedtime. I know it is hard on you when she won't let you hold, rock or cuddle her. It is only a phase. She should let you do it again when she gets a little older (and starts fighting you at bedtime). I love the bear! But the Royals? He could at least have picked the HOGS!!! I can't wait to come for my visit to help give daddy a break. I'll see you soon!
    Love to all......

  2. I will be there the weekend of the 15th! So excited to get some TP and Becca time without Grammy and Nanny getting in the way! lol :) I love the bear but I agree, Hogs or Braves would have been better! Can't wait to see you guys soon!



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