Bramell, Party of Five: We love our girls

Sunday, September 28, 2008

We love our girls

Here is further proof of our love for dear Ernie. This is the only time Becca will sit still to watch the TV! How cute is this?

Here are some pictures of playtime. She's wearing her souvenir shirt from Destin. We couldn't pass this one up for sure!

And of course, our other baby. I think she's been left off the blog lately, so here's one of the princess. An update: while we were in Florida, she stayed with my friend Shannon and her dog Nicco. They made fast friends and missed each other so much after our return home that we've had to make playdates for them. Our first playdate was a smashing success, and I know there will be more.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! Becca is such a big girl!!! I can't believe how much she has grown since I was up there in August.....a month makes a huge difference. I can't wait to see y'all in October. Keep blogging.

    Love to all...


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