Thursday, December 1, 2011
Sneak Peek
Sunday, November 20, 2011
New Pictures
Monday, November 7, 2011
More Halloween
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
More Becca Cuteness
* The other day she was watching cartoons in the living room. I left the room to start some laundry. When I came back in, she'd accidentally changed the channel to the Home Shopping Network. They were selling rugs. She was sitting in the floor, totally focused on the TV.
Me: "Becca, what are you doing?"
Her: (very excitedly) "Mom, I'm watching this show about rugs!"
* Lately, every time I take her somewhere and leave the little ones home with Lee she says the same thing to him. "Dad, are you sure you can handle this?"
* Her imaginary friends are still hanging around. Last week, she even bought groceries for them when we were at Walmart getting our own food. We have lots of fun with Mouse, Squirrel and their mom Basagna (like lasagna). Funny girl!
Halloween Fun 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
It's Fall, Ya'll!
The first weekend in October, Grammy and Nanny came for a visit. The weather was perfect for an afternoon at the pumpkin patch! The kids all ran around, we took a hayride around the farm and picked our own pumpkins to bring home. We like the McGarrah's Farm in Pea Ridge; this was our second time there. We tried a different one last year but I didn't like it as well.
All the kids loved playing in the hay tunnel. What a great, fun idea!
Evan & Carley weren't sure what to think about hay. They both touched it and looked confused.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Crummy weekend, cute video
I guess it's never too early to learn the Hog Call, right? I came home from the store yesterday to find that Lee had been practicing with the babies. So cute! And this video is from a day later; they still remembered how to do it!
Crazy Weekend/Friday Night: We were planning to head to Silver Dollar City first thing on Saturday morning. Instead, Evan barfed right after dinner. Then Carley barfed in her bed about 10:00pm. Second baths and changes later, they seemed fine. Not sure what was going on, but there was a sick kid in daycare last week so we figure it's some little bug.
Saturday: We woke up to pouring rain and cool temps, to find that Branson weather wasn't any better. We decided with poor weather and possibly sick babies, we'd better just keep the Crazy Train at home. Decided to postpone the trip to Sunday, where frankly, the weather didn't look much better but we'd chance scattered storms. Lee's nephew, Shane, stopped by to see us since he was in town for the Razorback game. We took Carley for her second haircut and went to eat lunch out on the town. We topped off the afternoon with a Bramell Family Nap and Hogs on TV. Pretty good day, after all.
Sunday: We woke up to cloudy skies at home. Checked out the Branson forecast and decided to take a chance. Of course 60% chance of scattered storms meant trouble. It didn't rain a drop on us the whole way there--until we pulled into the parking spot at SDC! The bottom fell out, and it started to thunder and lightning! Thankfully, we hadn't made it out of the van yet (like the poor suckers parked beside us!). We waited there for a while, then went back into town for lunch and more waiting. The kids were TERRIBLE during lunch. It was still pouring down rain, so we went right back home! Ugh. By the way, Evan has started throwing food at the table; it's lovely. We may never eat at a restaurant again.
Enjoy the video. It's the highlight of our weekend. Good night.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Oh, they are growing up so fast!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Headbangers Ball?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Ever wonder what we do at night?
Friday, July 22, 2011
Funny things to remember
I took this picture of Carley the other day. She is our climber! We never had to worry about Becca climbing very much, but Carley is a whole other story. WOW. This was one morning while I was getting ready for work. I put them in the "cage" to play and walked back through the house to find her on top of the laundry basket.
Carley is just really quirky, I think. Besides climbing on the laundry basket, her favorite spot in the house is on top of the hearth. Now, it's really just about a 3" step...but she loves to sit up there. What's funny is that she can't figure out how to get down! She'll sit up there and play forever, then cry when she's ready for us to come get her down. It's hilarious!
She also has a lovey, which Becca never did. She loves to sleep with her blankie then drag it around the house all day.
The kids are usually sitting at the table eating dinner when I get home from work in the evenings. Becca and Fergie will run to me at the door, Evan will wave at me from his high chair, and Carley will scream bloody murder and cry until I pick her up for hugs. On the days when they aren't already eating, it's a dogpile on the floor when I come home. I love it! It's so sweet to be missed when I'm gone.
Talk about a busy-body! Evan is on the move and never, ever still. It's strange to already be able to see such a difference in having a baby boy vs. baby girl. He is so destructive; he tips over the trash can, flops around in the tub like a fish and throws things like crazy. His favorite activity is throwing the ball--and he's really good at it! He can throw right to where he's looking and he can stop a rolling ball with his hands and legs. YAY~~maybe we'll have a Major Leaguer!
The other day Lee and I went together to pick her up at school. She got into the van and asked us if we know Justin Bieber! Lordy, I am so not ready for that yet! I guess the kids talk about the Biebs, because we definitely do not at home.
We've been talking a lot lately about her growing up and getting big. She says that she doesn't want to get big, that she just wants to be a kid forever. I'm trying to convince her that getting big is fun! Ha! The other night, she was helping me fix dinner. Here's our conversation--
Her: When I get big, we can all work at at restaurant.
Me: Who?
Her: Me, You and Daddy. I'll be the cooker and you and daddy can be the bringers!
Me: What's a bringer?
Her: You know, you bring people the food!!
I guess it does make sense. : D
Carley's first haircut
Carley surprised us for sure! I expected to have to hold her for the haircut, but check this out! She sat all by herself and never made even a little peep. She was perfectly still and quiet and the lady was finished in 5 minutes. I just couldn't believe it! It was a Saturday and the place was packed, so we ended up waiting a long time. I guess the waiting must have worn her out.
Our life in pictures

This picture actually came from Ashley's phone. She took Becca for her first big-girl pedicure on her birthday! I didn't get to go because I was getting everything ready for her party, but I think they had a good time. Doesn't she look like such a big girl?

Here is our awesome little garden! We have really been enjoying it this summer. Thank goodness I married a man with a green thumb. For as long as I can remember, Lee has always talked about planting a garden. I don't have the time or the patience for it, I guess.