Bramell, Party of Five: Cheerleader dress is cursed, but oh so CUTE!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cheerleader dress is cursed, but oh so CUTE!

So Becca has worn her cheerleader dress for the last two Hogs games....and we see how well that's turned out. In most years I would immediately call it a jinx and never let her wear it again. But this year, probably not the cause. Plus, it's so darn cute she has to wear it! And obviously, balloons make everything better.

We went down on Dickson Street before the game yesterday to check out all the motorcycles at the rally. It was pretty cool to see. It's been going on for 8 years or something, and we've never even gone downtown to look. Too many people for us. We looked all over Dickson St. for this baby a "boon," and could not find one. Daddy made an emergency stop at Chick-fil-A on the way home because mommy knew they'd have one. Rotten!


  1. Yep, that cute cheerleader dress couldn't be the reason for the Hogs' woes this year. And, yes, it appears that the girl is rotten (it will only get worse!)!!! But she looks so happy in the car with her "boon". See y'all soon!!!

    Love to all...

  2. rhonda planning on seeing yall friday unless theres a change of plans love dad

  3. I love that dress! So cute! I can't believe how big she has gotten!


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