Bramell, Party of Five: First Beach Pictures

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Beach Pictures

Well, here are some Day 1 pictures as promised. Here is our 2nd floor balcony. It took Becca all of 30 minutes to figure out how to throw her shoe overboard, so down I went to retrieve it. Before you all get too excited about our balcony, let me tell you that we have a lovely view of the parking lot. Woo hoo.

We got down to the beach about 4:00. We had spent a couple of hours in the condo hoping that Becca would nap, but no such luck. So off we went. When we got there, double red flags were up which means no swimming. The waves were pretty high (see pics). There were tons of people still swimming, and the beach patrol would come by every few minutes to shoo them away again.

Becca was not loving the beach and the sand. It was actually funny, so I had to take this picture. She will hate me when she's 12.

Surprisingly, it didn't take her long to warm up. She likes the sand! And off she went....

1 comment:

  1. It looks wonderful.....wish I were there instead of HERE!!!

    Love you all....


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