Bramell, Party of Five: One man's trash...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

One man's trash...

This weekend we had our first yard sale. It was definitely a lot of hard work, but it paid off. We cleaned out closets months ago to make room for Becca and all her stuff, so we had a lot to get rid of. We had Becca outside in the garage while we were setting up and she did really well. We think she likes being outside. Then Grandma Francena came over to sit with Becca while we worked the sale, which was a big help.

Becca Update: We think that the new formula is helping Becca, but we're still not sure about the Prevacid. We are going to give it some more time to see. She is still having some major crying spells during the day, but doing well at night. Saturday night she slept for SIX HOURS straight!!! I've just found out about a book called "The Happiest Baby on the Block," that is supposed to hold all the secrets to calming a crying baby. I've read about it online, but a lady at my doctor's office told me about it last week. So I finally went to the library to get it. We'll see if it works for us.

Becca is growing so fast, she is out of her newborn size clothes now. We have started putting her in the size 0-3 mos. so she's got a whole new wardrobe now. Here is a cute outfit that my cousin Valerie gave her.

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