Bramell, Party of Five: Let's play a game!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Let's play a game!

This picture is from our shopping trip to Wal-Mart on Monday. Lee was at work, but I had the day off for the holiday, so Becca and I went to get groceries.

Here's the game: leave a comment with a caption for the picture. What is Becca thinking?

NOTE: I hate, hate, hate the belts in the carts. Who had the idea to attach them high, so it's an underarm strap instead of around the waist? Poor baby, I'm sure it's so uncomfortable. This time I tried a pillow behind her but it didn't help much.


  1. "I feel like Steve Erkle"!!!

  2. Aunt Lisa's gonna be pissed you forgot MY BOW!!!

  3. Mom, is that a green multi legged creature on your shoulder?


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