Bramell, Party of Five: Twin Tuesday, Birthday Edition

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Twin Tuesday, Birthday Edition

Happy 4th Birthday to two of the silliest, lovable kiddos that I know! What an adventure it is every day with these two.
We celebrated with lunch out at Chili's and opening gifts from mom & dad. We are going to play a lot of catch and Hungry Hungry Hippos this summer at our house!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Evan and Carley! The Big 4!! I love everything about this post - the picture, the message and these two kids, my Stink Bug and Doodle Bug.

    I enjoyed getting to see all of you this past weekend. Even though the weather didn't cooperate, we still had fun!

    Tell the kids that I'll be working on some fun things to do when they come to visit me this summer. I'll see y'all soon!

    Love to all...


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