Bramell, Party of Five: Pinterest Made Me Do It

Friday, May 17, 2013

Pinterest Made Me Do It

Ham & Mozzarella Pizza Bites

As you probably know by now, we have a certain affection for Petit Jean Ham here in the Bramell house.  After eating ham about 10 different ways, and in 10 different dishes, I ran across this recipe and thought it would be perfect for us. It didn't have any real directions, only photos, so I had to make it up as I went along.

Upon looking at my finished product, I declared this experiment my first real "Pinterest fail," strictly based on how it looked.

But then we TASTED IT.  Yummm. Not a Pinterest fail at all, my friends.  We gobbled it up and I even made it again for a potluck at work earlier this week.  Enjoy!

I used only diced ham slices and mozzarella, but you could easily adapt this recipe and use veggies and other meats, too.

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