It's time for some more bragging on our big girl. The first report card of the year came home last week, and we couldn't be more proud of her. She got an E (the best) in Reading and all S's in the other subjects. She does need to work on her handwriting a little bit (S-) and work on keeping her desk area cleaner. If we were grading her cleanliness at home, she would get an S- or worse.
She's not had any behavior problems this year and she's doing great socially. The teacher had nothing but great things to say about her progress!
I'm really the most excited about her reading. Like me, she loves to read! Yay! I love that she really tries hard and sounds out the words that stump her. She is determined and very interested in learning.
Here is a photo of her reading to me a couple of weeks ago before bed. I am so super proud of Big Sis. She's kicking 1st grade's butt.
I am not surprised at all! You will continue to be amazed. Once that reading factor kicks in, they just take off. Soon, there will be no more of you reading to her. She is a sweetie!