Bramell, Party of Five: More birthday...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

More birthday...

At school on Thursday, they celebrated 2 birthdays in the class--Becca's and Katie's. I made some yummy homemade Funfetti cookies for the class and Katie's mom made treat bags for all the kids. Of course, when I was baking away at 9:00 on Wednesday night, I was thinking I should have just bought cookies at the store; they are only 2, what do they know??!! Becca has been saying "Happy Day" a lot! She just can't seem to remember the "birth" part! haha. Here we are, a week later, and she's still saying it!

Here she is driving the school bus with Chuck E. Cheese. Of course, I had to force her to sit by him; she was a little scared.

This is the birthday cake we had. It's really a cupcake cake, white and chocolate mixed. She was pleased, to say the least. And we have the toys to keep (picking up out of the floor) forever. Ahhh.

The day after Becca's birthday, we hit the road for a vacation in Fairfield Bay. I'll post some pictures from that later. I've got a small person tugging on my leg right now, so I have to stop.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe she is 2 already! It seems like I was just last week I was looking at pics of the icing smeared all over her face from her first b-day cake! wow! She is so precious!!


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