Bramell, Party of Five: Happy Thanksgiving and other randomness...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving and other randomness...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We sure had a busy and fun time the last few days. We stayed in Fayetteville and got to visit with lots of the Bramell/Pugsley family. Of course, there was a lot of cooking, eating and card playing going on. Here are some pictures from the festivities.

This may be my favorite picture from the whole holiday. It's Becca with her Uncle Bernie, who is Lee's brother from Tennessee. How sweet!

This is a picture of Lee's mother and her kids (but not all of them!). Dennis was here earlier in the week, but he had to leave before this picture was made. This is Rob, Lee, Francena, Ben and Bernie. Another sibling there, and they wouldn't have all fit on the couch!

And here is a picture of us all (Fergie included, of course). Toby was in Little Rock at the Razorback game, so he missed the picture, too.

Last weekend, Becca finally let us put pigtails in her hair!! Yay! Granted, they aren't the best looking pigtails ever, but we got them in. Big victory for mom.

Don't let the innocent face fool you!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! Y'all DID celebrate Thanksgiving in a BIG way!!! LOL! What a clan....

    Of course, the pics of Becca are just adorable. I think she may like her Uncle Bernie just a little....but, heck, he is just a big kid himself so most of us do like him.

    The pigtails are funny.....and don't you dare say anything about that angelic face! She is pure angel through and through!!!

    I can't wait to see y'all!!! It has been 6 weeks already and we have another 4 to go. I don't know if I can wait!

    Love to all...


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