Bramell, Party of Five: Trick or Treat!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Trick or Treat!!

Well, here's our little penguin. It looks like she is dressed like Fergie! We couldn't get them both to cooperate for a picture. On Tuesday, all the kids went to Lee's office for a costume show and treats. Becca was really good and didn't mind the costume at all. However, Halloween night was another story. As you can see, she didn't want any part of the penguin suit--quite a fussy penguin. She kept it on about 10 minutes, then went to sleep at 6:30!! She event slept through the doorbell and kids knocking all evening.

The oatmeal feeding is going much better. We're still not sure how much is actually getting IN her instead of ON her, but she's getting the hang of it. We might try some veggies this weekend. I'm also happy to report that the cold is just about gone--3 weeks is enough already!!

Thank goodness it's Friday! Have a good weekend....

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Jake was a penguin his 1st halloween too! So of course i think this is an awesome costume! She looks so precious. Heidi was a skunk, i have pics on our blog if you want to check them out.


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